
Day 327- Federal Bumps

The Federal government has kind of messed up my student loans. They overhauled their system and and at one point told me they were not withdrawing any auto payments until my next due date which was January 21. Confused about why I wouldn't have to make a payment for November or December I called back to confirm my next due date. And was again told January. Alrighty then. Until today, when I received an email stating that I was past due. WHAAAT?! However, what I am thankful for today is the fact that this story is irrelevant. That at one point in my life stuff like this would flood me with anxiety, but because the money is in the bank and I have learned that anxiety is a terrible coping mechanism...I am over it and this isn't going to get any more attention from me until Monday when I can call these bumblebees and see if they have their poop in a group.

Dear God, thank you for financial resources and lessons learned. Amen.

1 comment:

jkelly2409 said...

"Poop in a group" - I love it. Your line that anxiety is a terrible coping mechanism really hit home for me. Thanks for giving me my daily food for thought!