
Day 305 - Saturday silence

This morning Addy had a request for cold water at 6:10. I thought, and maybe even grumbled, 'c'mon, it's Saturday'. So I went to the bathroom, got her some water and told her to go back to bed. Problem is, neither of us share Jeff's natural ability to go back to bed. But I snuggled in and attempted. I am pleased to say that our Saturday morning was silent until 8:47am. That never happens! Even now, at 9:23- everyone is quiet in their own beds! Such a wonderful way to start a day!

Dear God, thank you for a beautiful way to start Saturday. Thank you for the blessing of the weekend with no immediate demands. Allow us to take it one bit at a time and enjoy it! Amen.

1 comment:

Heaven said...

Your such a great writer! I love reading about all of the challenges & blessings you face everyday. You have such creative point of view, and I really do hope some day I can be as good as you! Your blogs are so interesting. Keep up the good work girl.